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Gwen Stefani: The Savior of Millennial Spelling Abilities?

It’s a fact of life that most millennials can’t spell to save their lives. From misspelling basic words like “definitely” to inventing new words like “bae,” their grasp of the English language leaves something to be desired. But there’s one word that even the most spelling-challenged millennials seem to get right, and it’s all thanks to Gwen Stefani.

According to a recent study, the majority of millennials can only spell the word “banana” because of Stefani’s 2004 hit song, “Hollaback Girl.” The song’s catchy chorus, which features the line “This sh*t is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S,” has been seared into the minds of a generation, and many millennials credit it with their ability to spell the word correctly.

I don’t know what I’d do without Gwen Stefani,” says 32-year-old Ashley Green. “I’ve never been a good speller, but thanks to ‘Hollaback Girl,’ I can spell ‘banana’ like a pro.

But while some may see this as a victory for pop music education, others are more concerned about the state of millennial spelling abilities.

This is just another example of how technology and pop culture are dumbing down our society,” says Dr. Karen Wilson, a linguistics professor. “If millennials can’t even spell basic words without a catchy song to guide them, what does that say about our future?

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