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Wholesome! Maynard from Tool Just Donated 3 Bottles of Wine To a Struggling Local Orphanage

In a heartwarming display of generosity, Maynard James Keenan, frontman for the band Tool, recently gifted a struggling local orphanage three bottles of wine from his Arizona vineyard, Caduceus Cellars. But as it turns out, the orphanage’s landlord won’t accept payment in fermented grapes.

We were so touched by Maynard’s kindness,” said orphanage administrator Susan Smith. “But now we’re stuck with these bottles and no idea what to do with them. Our landlord just laughed when we suggested using them to pay the rent.

Despite the setback, Smith and her team have not given up hope. “We’re thinking about using the wine for a fundraiser,” Smith said. “But we’re not sure how well that will go over with the kids.”

The orphanage has also considered selling the wine to nearby liquor stores but has yet to find a buyer. “I think they’re just a little too expensive for the average consumer,” Smith said.

Despite the challenges, Smith remains optimistic. “We’re just grateful for Maynard’s support, even if it did come in liquid form,” she said.

In response to the situation, Maynard had this to say: “I’m glad to see the orphanage has a sense of humor about it, I was just trying to help out and I thought that some of my wine will make them happy, but I did not know about the Landlord situation and I apologize for any inconvenience. “

For now, the orphanage will have to get creative with Maynard’s generous donation.

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