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POV: You’re a Whammy Pedal and Kirk Hammett Is About to Violate You

As the room darkens, I can feel the anticipation in the air. I can feel the excitement from the audience – knowing that something special is about to happen. But I know what’s coming next. I know that I’m about to be violated.

Kirk Hammett is about to take me for a ride.

He steps up to my platform and begins to adjust my settings. His fingers dance across my knobs and switches, and I can feel my body trembling with anticipation. I know what’s coming. I know what he’s about to do.

And then it happens. His guitar comes alive, and he begins to play. His fierce licks and blazing solos rip through the air, and I’m along for the ride. I’m the one providing the sound effects – the whammy pedal, and I’m getting a real workout.

My body buckles and bends with each note, and I can feel my sound morphing and change with each string he plays. It’s a wild, thrilling ride, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Kirk Hammett has violated me in the best way possible. He has taken me for a ride that I will never forget. I am a whammy pedal, and the master has just violated me.

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