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Heartwarming: Arsonist Loves Keeping the Local Fire Department Busy

John Smith had a unique hobby. He loved setting fires. Not just any kind of fire, either. He particularly enjoyed setting warehouse fires. The thrill of the flames, the heat on his skin, and the satisfaction of watching something he created were all intoxicating experiences for John.

John was no common arsonist. He was passionate about what he did and took pride in his work. He was meticulous in his planning, considering wind direction, materials inside the warehouse, and other factors. He would spend days researching and planning, and then, when the time was right, he would strike.

John’s favorite part of the process was the aftermath. He would watch the flames consume the warehouse, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. Watching the firefighters battle the blaze was like a reward for John. It was his way of knowing he had done a good job.

John never felt guilty about setting fires. He knew it was wrong, but it made him feel alive like nothing else did. He was careful only to set fires when no one was in the building, and he always left the scene before anyone noticed.

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