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Dr Phil Rocks the Metal Scene With Unfortunate Slip of the Tongue

In a shocking turn of events, renowned talk show host and self-help guru Dr Phil McGraw has unwittingly managed to anger a large portion of the metal music community. It all began when Dr Phil, during an episode of his talk show, referred to the influential Swedish metal band Meshuggah as a “rock band”.

Needless to say, the metal community was not amused. The metalheads quickly pointed out the stylistic differences between rock and metal, taking to social media to express their displeasure.

#DrPhilIsNotAMetalHead quickly became a trending topic on Twitter, and the hashtag was accompanied by many memes mocking Dr Phil for his mistake.

It’s like he’s never even heard of Meshuggah,” one user wrote.

How could he not know the difference between rock and metal?” asked another.

The backlash was so severe that Dr Phil had to apologize via Twitter.

I apologize for my mistake. I’m sorry to the metal community for any offense I may have caused,” he wrote.

It remains to be seen if Dr Phil’s apology will be enough to appease the metalheads.

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