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All That Remains Vocalist Philip Labonte Mistakenly Believes Brandishing Rifle and Chugging Beer is ‘Badass’ at Family Restaurant

Filed under: Second Amendment

In a shocking display of machismo and poor judgement, All That Remains vocalist Philip Labonte reportedly pulled out a rifle at a local family-friendly restaurant. He proceeded to open a beer, much to the dismay of fellow diners.

According to eyewitnesses, Labonte, dining with his family, casually pulled out the rifle from his bag and used it to pop the top off his frosty beverage.

I couldn’t believe it,” said fellow diner John Smith. “Here I am trying to enjoy my chicken fingers and fries, and this guy pulls out a rifle and starts using it to open his beer. It was like something out of a nightmare.”

When confronted by staff about the incident, Labonte reportedly insisted that it was his right to open his beer with a rifle, as protected by the Second Amendment.

He just kept going on and on about his amendment rights,” said restaurant manager Kate Tran. “It was like he was trying to make some political statement or something. It was really quite disturbing.

I was just trying to show everyone how tough I am,” said Labonte, who later took to social media to boast about his actions. “I mean, what’s more metal than chugging a beer with a rifle in your hand? It’s, like, totally badass.

Despite the initial shock and outrage from diners, Labonte continued enjoying his steak and beer, seemingly unfazed by the commotion he had caused.

The restaurant’s management released a statement condemning Labonte’s actions and assuring customers that they have taken steps to ensure such an incident will not happen again. “We apologize for any inconvenience or distress caused by Mr. Labonte’s behavior,” the statement read.

As for Labonte, he seems unfazed by the backlash. “I’m just a rebel, man. I do what I want,” he said before proceeding to light a cigarette and rev his motorcycle inside an Italian restaurant.

This is not the first time Labonte has raised eyebrows with his controversial behavior. In the past, he has been known to advocate for the use of firearms in everyday life publicly and has even gone so far as to say that “a rifle in every home is the only way to truly be free.

We attempted to reach out to Labonte for comment, but received no response at the time of publication.

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