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Wiggles Break Barriers with Bold New Djent Album

The Wiggles, the beloved children’s entertainment group, has taken a bold new step in their career with the release of their latest album, ‘The Wiggles Go Djent’.

The album features a mix of traditional Wiggles fare, such as the classic ‘Hot Potato’ and ‘Fruit Salad’, as well as some heavy metal-inspired djent tracks. ‘Fruit Salad’ is reimagined as a hard-hitting metal anthem, with its signature handclaps replaced with blast beats and its sugary-sweet lyrics replaced with guttural screams.

The album has been met with a mixed reception, with some longtime Wiggles fans expressing their shock and disappointment at the group’s new musical direction. Others, however, have praised them for their boldness and willingness to take risks.

The Wiggles themselves have remained tight-lipped on the album, with only lead singer Anthony Field releasing a statement: “A lot of people think that The Wiggles are a one-trick pony, but we want to show that we can do more than just sing about fruit salad. We want to challenge ourselves and push the boundaries of what people expect from us.

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