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Tupac Shakur’s Hologram Goes on Rampage in Mexican Village

Residents of a small village in Mexico were left in a state of shock and confusion after a hologram of the late rapper Tupac Shakur appeared in their town and went on a rampage.

The hologram, which had been created for a music festival in a nearby city, suddenly came to life and began wreaking havoc on the village. Witnesses reported seeing the hologram running through the streets, screaming Tupac’s infamous lyrics, and even stealing food from local shops.

The hologram was eventually subdued by local police, but not before it had caused considerable damage to the village.

As news of the incident spread, many began to question the safety of hologram technology, especially in the wake of other recent incidents involving artificial intelligence.

The hologram’s creator, however, seemed unfazed by the incident. “I’m not worried at all,” he said. “My holograms are programmed to be completely harmless. This was just an unfortunate glitch.”

Though it remains unclear what caused the glitch, the incident has certainly given people pause. For now, it looks like the village of Mexico is safe from a Tupac-inspired attack, but it may be wise to keep an eye on any future holograms.

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