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Seinfeld: The Most Horrifying Sitcom of All Time

It’s been decades since the beloved “Seinfeld” went off the air, and I couldn’t be happier. Because, let’s face it, that show was a nightmare.

First of all, the characters were terrible people. Jerry was a self-absorbed narcissist, George was a lying, scheming sociopath, and Elaine was plain mean. But worst of all was Kramer. Not only was he lazy and irresponsible, but he also had a disturbing fascination with Nazi Germany.

In fact, the entire show was a thinly veiled celebration of fascism. The “Soup Nazi” episode, in which Kramer becomes obsessed with a soup vendor who enforces strict rules, was a clear nod to the atrocities of the Holocaust. And let’s not forget the episode where George gets a job at a company that makes handbags out of human skin. It’s like the writers were trying to make a point about the dangers of genocide.

But even more disturbing was the show’s depiction of Jewish characters. The constant jokes about Jewish mothers, doctors, and businessmen were nothing short of anti-Semitic. And in the episode where Jerry’s parents are sent to a Nazi concentration camp, it is clear that the show glorified Jewish people’s persecution.

So let’s all be glad that “Seinfeld” is gone and a thing of the past. It’s time to move on to better, morally sound television shows that don’t glorify Nazis and mock Jewish people. It’s time to say goodbye to the nightmare that was “Seinfeld.”

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