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Local Metal Band Shocks Fans by Going Woke at Sold-Out Concert

In a move that has left fans scratching their heads and reaching for their earplugs, local metal band Iron Will took a sharp turn towards the woke at their sold-out concert last night.

The band, known for their high-energy performances and head-banging anthems, shocked the crowd when they took a break from shredding their guitars to deliver a rousing speech about the importance of intersectionality and the evils of the patriarchy.

We’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching lately,” said lead singer and newly-minted social justice warrior Jack Hammer. “And we’ve realized that metal isn’t just about leather, spikes, and screaming into the void. It’s also about using our platform to raise awareness about important issues.

Fans, who had come to the concert expecting to mosh and scream along to the band’s hit single “Metal or Death,” were caught off guard by the sudden change in tone.

I was really looking forward to headbanging and shouting ‘METAL’ at the top of my lungs,” said concert-goer Brian Shredder. “But instead, I got a lecture about privilege and microaggressions. It was like taking a red pill, but not in the cool Matrix way.

Others were more sympathetic to the band’s newfound woke leanings.

I get what they’re trying to do,” said fan Sarah Headbanger. “But maybe they should have stuck to what they’re good at and left the political speeches to the politicians.”

Despite the mixed reactions, Iron Will’s bold move has sparked a conversation about the role of metal in modern society. Will other metal bands follow in their wakeful footsteps? Only time will tell.

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