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Local Band Writes Song About Absolutely Nothing, Still Manages to Top Charts

In a bold move that has sent shockwaves through the music industry, local band “The Blank Slates” has just released a new single about absolutely nothing. And yet, despite the lack of lyrics, melody, or any discernible structure, the song has managed to climb to the top of the charts.

According to lead singer and self-proclaimed “genius” John Doe, the idea for the song came to him in a moment of inspiration. “I was sitting there, staring at a blank piece of paper, and it hit me – why write about something when you can write about nothing at all?” he said in a recent interview.

Critics have been quick to praise the band’s innovative approach to songwriting. “This is truly groundbreaking stuff,” said renowned music journalist Jane Smith. “I’ve never heard anything quite like it before. It’s like they’ve managed to capture the very essence of nothingness in a way that’s both profound and completely meaningless.

Despite the hype, some listeners have expressed confusion over the song’s appeal. “I don’t get it,” said local resident and music enthusiast, Michael Brown. “I listened to the song for like, five minutes, and all I heard was silence. But then I saw it was trending on Spotify, so I figured I must be missing something.”

Undeterred by the mixed reactions, The Blank Slates are already hard at work on their next project – an album comprised entirely of silence. “It’s the logical next step,” said Doe. “We’re pushing the boundaries of what music can be, and we’re not stopping until we’ve achieved the ultimate form of nothingness.”

The band has not yet announced when the album will be released, but industry insiders predict that it will be a game-changer for the music industry, and for the meaning of the word “Nothing”

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