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Living the High Life: How this Drug Dealer Makes a Killing Selling Bootleg Movies

When most people think of drug dealers, they think of shady characters lurking in dark alleys and backrooms, peddling illicit substances. But one enterprising dealer is taking a different route to make a side income – selling bootleg movies that are still in cinemas.

Meet Mark, a 25-year-old drug dealer who lives in California. He’s been in the business for several years and says it’s been a great way to make money. But recently, he’s been supplementing his income by selling bootleg copies of movies still playing in cinemas.

I started selling movies a few months ago and it’s been really profitable,” Mark says. “It’s also a lot less risky than dealing drugs, so I’m able to make more money without having to worry about getting caught. Plus, I get to watch the movies before anyone else!

Mark gets his bootleg copies of movies from a contact who works at a movie theater. He then sells them to customers at a fraction of the price they would pay to see the movie in the theater.

The price I charge is really low, so people are willing to take the risk of buying a movie that might not be very good,” he explains. “Plus, I know my customers trust me, so they’re less likely to report me to the authorities.

So far, Mark’s bootleg movie business has been a huge success. He’s been able to make a decent side income while still dealing drugs on the side.

I’m making more money than I ever thought possible,” he says. “I’m living the high life, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Mark has found a lucrative way to make money without violating harsh drug laws that attract huge prison sentences. He’s inspiring other drug dealers to look for alternative ways to make a living, and that’s something we can all be thankful for.

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