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Late and Lackluster: Frank Ocean Impersonator’s Coachella Caper Includes Tardiness and a Shameless Herbalife Plug!

As if the spectacle of a Fiverr-sourced Frank Ocean lookalike wasn’t bewildering enough for the Coachella crowd, the counterfeit crooner took his performance to new heights of absurdity by showing up an hour late to his set and brazenly promoting a Herbalife affiliate link on stage.

In a move that seemed to defy both logic and punctuality, the faux Frank sauntered onto the stage a full hour after his scheduled start time, offering no apology or explanation for his tardiness. With Coachella’s strict curfew policy in place, this meant that the already bizarre performance was cut in half, leaving fans with only a truncated taste of the musical madness that was to come.

As the doppelganger stumbled through his half-hearted renditions of Frank Ocean classics, it became apparent that his tardy arrival was not the only surprise in store for the increasingly perplexed audience. In a moment that perfectly encapsulated the surreal nature of the evening, the impostor Frank paused mid-performance to project a massive Herbalife affiliate link on the stage’s backdrop, enthusiastically urging the crowd to “support a healthy lifestyle” and “tell their friends.”

The shameless plug was met with a mixture of bemusement and outrage, as concertgoers debated whether the Herbalife advertisement was an elaborate prank orchestrated by the real Frank Ocean or simply a misguided attempt by the imposter to capitalize on his 15 minutes of fame. Some in the audience even speculated that the entire performance was an avant-garde commentary on the infiltration of commercialism into the world of music and art.

In the end, the Fiverr Frank Ocean fiasco left fans with more questions than answers, and a performance that will be forever etched into the annals of Coachella history as one of the most bewildering and befuddling displays of musical chicanery the festival has ever seen.

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