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J.K. Rowling Shocks Nation by Single-Handedly Saving Trans Person, Proceeds to Lecture on Gender

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling stopped her car on the side of the road to rescue a trans person from a burning vehicle, only to lecture them on the complexities of gender identity.

Eye witnesses reported that Rowling, who has recently been criticized for her controversial views on transgender individuals, was driving down the highway when she spotted the flaming car on the side of the road. Without hesitation, she pulled over and sprinted towards the vehicle, risking her own life to save the trans person trapped inside.

But instead of simply offering a helping hand, Rowling reportedly began to lecture the person on the complexities of gender and the “dangers” of transitioning.

She just wouldn’t stop talking,” said one witness. “She kept going on and on about how gender is a social construct, and how trans people are just confused. It was like she was using the situation as an opportunity to further her own agenda.

Despite the bizarre events, the trans person was reportedly grateful to be alive and out of the burning car and thanked Rowling for her help. “I’m just glad I made it out of there alive,” they said. “I guess I’ll take my lectures on gender wherever I can get them, even if it’s from J.K. Rowling.

The incident has sparked widespread debate on social media, with many praising Rowling for her bravery in rescuing the trans person but criticizing her for using the situation as an opportunity to further her own views.

Some Twitter users said: “J.K. Rowling may have saved a life, but her views on trans people are still dangerous and harmful,” while others joked, “Looks like J.K. Rowling just couldn’t wait to release her latest book on the topic of gender.”

In response to the incident, Rowling released a statement saying, “I am proud of the actions I took to save a life, but I also stand by my beliefs on the complexities of gender.

This event is a reminder that even in the face of danger, some people can’t help but insert their own opinions into any situation.

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