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Yes. That car behind you is definitely following you home

Alright, let’s get real here. We all know the dangers of coming home late at night. Whether it’s a creepy alley or an eerie sidewalk, the fear of something lurking in the shadows can be a real and pressing concern.

But I’m here to tell you that the real danger is much closer than you think. You might think the car behind you is just a random vehicle, but I’m here to tell you that it’s following you home, and you should be scared.

Think about it. That car is driving at the same speed as you, making the same turns, and stopping at the same lights. It’s almost like they know exactly where you’re going.

And if that’s not enough to make you uneasy, then the fact that they’ve been following you for the past five miles should do the trick. They’re stalking you.

It’s scary but also exciting. Is it a good Samaritan trying to tell you that your tail light is busted, or a murderous pervert that wants to peel the skin off your bones?

A normal person would have called for help or driven to a police station, but not you. Your thirst for adventure and curiosity wants to see what happens if you keep driving.

How exciting. This potentially dangerous psychopath has chosen you to be their next victim. They’re trusting you to make the right decisions and get away safely.

So, yes. That car behind you is following you home, and you should be scared. Don’t worry; there’s still time to drive faster, make sharper turns, and get away before they catch up with you. But we both know you won’t. This is far too exciting.

Good luck!

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