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Why Are Guitar Manufacturers Still Selling Six String Guitars When We Only Need One?

Guitar manufacturers are the ultimate scam artists. We’re being taken for a ride with the six strings they attach to every guitar. We only need one string to make beautiful music, so why are they giving us five extra strings?

Realistically, one string is all we need. We could tune it to a high note, and it would sound as sweet as any six-stringed guitar. But instead, guitar makers are giving us an extra five strings that are of no use to us. They intentionally confuse us and make us think we need more than we do.

This is not only a waste of money but a waste of resources. Think of all the extra strings produced to meet guitar-loving consumers’ demands. What a waste!

If guitar makers wanted to do us a favor, they would give us one string and let us figure out the rest. That way, we could make music that’s truly unique and creative. But instead, guitar manufacturers are sticking to their old, outdated six-stringed model.

It’s time for guitar makers to wake up and realize that we only need one string. Anything more is just a waste of money and resources. Let’s get rid of the extra strings and make music the way it was meant to be made.

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