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Wholesome! A Beetle Laid Eggs Inside The Brain of Tosin Abasi and They’re Going To Hatch Soon

Tosin Abasi, the world-renowned virtuoso guitarist, was shocked after a rare species of beetle laid eggs inside his brain. The eggs are expected to hatch soon, and Abasi is uncertain about what to expect.

I’ve been playing guitar for many years, and nothing like this has ever happened,” the bewildered musician said. “I don’t know what to make of this, but it’s certainly an interesting experience.

Abasi’s neurologist, Dr Sam Iam, has been closely monitoring the eggs and believes the beetle babies should hatch any day.

It’s quite remarkable,” said Iam. “We’ve never seen anything like this before. Of course, we’re all very curious to see what will happen when the eggs hatch.”

The beetle in question is believed to be a rare species native to Abasi’s home country of Nigeria. It is believed to have hitchhiked its way into Abasi’s brain while he was visiting the country late last year.

It’s a strange situation,” said Abasi. “But I’m trying to stay positive and keep a sense of humor about it.

When asked what he thought the beetle babies might be like, Abasi replied, “I’m hoping they’ll be just like me—musically inclined, of course!

The beetle babies are expected to hatch soon, and the world is eagerly awaiting the news. Until then, Abasi is taking it all in stride.

I know I’m probably not the only one who’s ever had something like this happen,” he said. “But I’m sure glad it’s me and not someone else!

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