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Where Is Your God Now? These 6 Gifs Prove That God Does Not Exist, and You Won’t Believe Number 4!

For years, the debate over whether God exists or is a concept has divided humanity since the dawn of time. After extensive research, we present six gifs that will shake your belief system to its core. These gifs prove God does not exist.

The Ultimate Creation: The Spinning Pizza

Behold, the spinning pizza gif! This infinitely rotating masterpiece of cheesy, tomatoey goodness has left theologians worldwide wondering, “If God created everything, then who made this mesmerizing digital art masterpiece?” This paradoxical pizza must be the handiwork of a higher power – perhaps even the Flying Spaghetti Monster himself. After all, who else could make a pizza spin for all eternity without getting dizzy?

The Unstoppable Force: The Dancing Baby

Long before the days of TikTok and Fortnite, there was the dancing baby – an unstoppable force of nature that took the internet by storm. This gyrating infant defied logic and physics, proving that there must be a benevolent being out there who wanted us to experience this level of pure, unadulterated joy. And if that doesn’t make you question the existence of a traditional God, nothing will.

The Cat-astrophic Revelation: Keyboard Cat

When Keyboard Cat first graced our screens with its dulcet tones and unparalleled musical prowess, we knew we were witnessing something divine. As this fur-covered maestro tickled the ivories with the precision and grace of a classically trained pianist, it became clear that God was surely taking a nap during this incredible creation. So, if you’re still holding out hope for a divine being responsible for all life, you may want to reconsider your stance after witnessing the majestic beauty of Keyboard Cat.

The Fall of Humanity: The Techno Viking

The moment the Techno Viking strutted into our lives, we knew that humanity had reached its peak. This modern-day Adonis danced through the streets with the poise and elegance of a ballet dancer, commanding the admiration of all who crossed his path. Surely, no God would allow such a specimen of human perfection to exist without taking credit for it? The existence of the Techno Viking can only mean one thing: we are truly alone in this universe.

The Ultimate Sacrilege: Rickrolling

If there’s one thing that can shake the very foundations of faith, it’s the act of being mercilessly Rickrolled. This cruel yet undeniably hilarious prank has left countless victims questioning their beliefs, wondering how a loving God could allow such deception to run rampant. If there is a God, surely they would have intervened by now to end this torment? The continued existence of the Rickroll only serves to prove that humanity is on its own.

The Great Divider: The Dress

No event in human history has divided us quite like the infamous dress debacle of 2015. Was it blue and black, or white and gold? The world may never know, but one thing is for sure – a benevolent God would never have allowed such a controversial garment to tear apart families, friendships, and social media platforms. The dress is a testament to the undeniable fact that we are all just floating through this cold, uncaring universe, completely and utterly alone.

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