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Sony Threatens Legal Action as Ozzy Osbourne Goes ‘MIA’ with PSVR 2 Headset

Legendary rock star Ozzy Osbourne is known for his love of all things wild and crazy, but it seems he’s taken things to a whole new level with his latest stunt. According to insiders, the Prince of Darkness was given a PSVR 2 headset by Sony for their latest ad campaign, but he’s refusing to give it back, claiming that he lost it somewhere around his sprawling mansion.

Sources close to the singer say that he was thrilled to receive the cutting-edge virtual reality technology from Sony and immediately began experimenting with all the different games and experiences available on the device. “He was like a kid in a candy store,” one insider reported. “He spent hours and hours just exploring all the different worlds you can visit with the VR headset.

But when Sony asked Ozzy to return the headset so that they could use it for another ad campaign, the rock star claimed that he had no idea where it was. “He said he thought he left it in one of the guest rooms, but when they went to check, it was nowhere to be found,” the source continued. “It’s like it just vanished into thin air.

Despite Sony’s repeated requests for the return of their expensive technology, Ozzy remains adamant that he has no idea where the headset could be. “He keeps insisting that it’s somewhere in the house, but no one has been able to find it,” the source explained. “It’s become a bit of a running joke among his staff and friends.

However, it seems that Sony is losing patience with the situation. According to legal documents obtained by our sources, the company has threatened to take legal action against Ozzy if the PSVR 2 headset isn’t returned soon. “They’re really not happy about this,” the source revealed. “They’ve invested a lot of money in this ad campaign, and they’re not going to let one rogue rock star ruin it for them.

While Sony is undoubtedly disappointed to have lost their PSVR 2 headset, fans of Ozzy Osbourne are undoubtedly delighted by the latest crazy antics from the ageing rock star. Who knows what kind of wild and wacky shenanigans he’ll get up to next?

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