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Slipknot Fans Rejoice as Corey Taylor Leads Successful Coup in Australia

Sydney, Australia – Heavy metal band Slipknot has caused a stir in the land down under by leading a successful coup against the Australian government. The band’s frontman, Corey Taylor, rallied fans from across the country to help take back their government and create a new society based on metal values.

Slipknot’s coup began in the early hours of the morning, as fans donned their signature masks and stormed Parliament House in Canberra. The band’s music blared through the speakers, drowning out any opposition. Before long, the government had fallen, and Slipknot had taken control.

The band’s motivation for overthrowing the government wasn’t purely political, however. Slipknot had come to Australia to headline Knotfest 2023, and they knew that taking over the country would be the best way to ensure the festival’s success. In a statement released after the coup, Taylor explained, “We’re not just here to play music. We’re here to bring about a metal revolution, and what better way to do that than by taking control of the government?

The response from Australians has been mixed. Some have praised Slipknot’s audacity and expressed excitement at the prospect of a metal-focused government. Others have been more skeptical, questioning whether a heavy metal band is truly qualified to run a country.

Regardless of one’s opinion, there’s no denying that Slipknot’s coup has brought about significant change in Australia. The band’s members have taken on key positions in the new government, and they’ve already begun implementing metal-based policies.

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