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Ronnie Radke Denies Being Violent, Proceeds to Go on Violent Twitter Rampage

Ronnie Radke is no stranger to controversy. The former frontman of Escape the Fate has been involved in his fair share of scandals over the years, from drug use to assault charges. But when he was recently accused of being a violent person, Radke decided to set the record straight.

I’m not violent. It’s all lies,” Radke declared in a recent interview. “I don’t know where these rumors are coming from, but they’re completely false. I’m a peaceful person.

Unfortunately for Radke, his attempt at clearing his name was short-lived. Within hours of the interview being published, Radke went on a violently-worded rampage on Twitter, attacking anyone who dared to question his innocence.

You think I’m violent? You have no idea what I’m capable of,” Radke tweeted. “I’ll show you violence, you pathetic losers.

The tweets only got more aggressive from there, with Radke even threatening physical harm to some of his critics. “If you want to mess with me, you’ll regret it,” he warned. “I’m not someone to be messed with.

And Radke didn’t stop there. In one particularly disturbing tweet, he threatened the staff at a local Taco Bell. “If they get my order wrong one more time, I’m going to show them what real violence looks like,” he wrote. Before following up the Tweet with, “I am not violent. Not spreading lies

Fans and followers were shocked by the sudden outburst, with many calling for Radke to seek help for his anger issues. “This is not the Ronnie Radke we know and love,” one fan wrote. “He needs to get help before he hurts someone.

As the tweets continued to pour in, Radke showed no signs of slowing down. “I’m sick of people accusing me of things I didn’t do,” he ranted. “I’m sick of being painted as a villain. I’m not the bad guy here.

But that was just the beginning. Radke’s tweets became increasingly violent and disturbing as the night went on.

I hope you’re ready for the reckoning,” he wrote in one tweet. “I’m about to show the world what I’m really made of.

In another tweet, Radke made a vague reference to “taking care of business” and warned his followers to stay out of his way. And in his final Tweet before he unexpectedly changed the subject confusingly said, “I am the hand of God. I giveth life and I taketh life away“, impressively showing he paid attention during drama class in high school.

But for many, Radke’s behavior on Twitter only served to confirm the rumors about his violent tendencies. “If this isn’t proof that Ronnie Radke is a violent person, I don’t know what is,” one critic tweeted.

As of now, Radke has not issued any further statements or apologies for his Twitter rampage. Whether or not he’ll face any consequences for his actions remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: Ronnie Radke’s reputation as a controversial figure in the music world is far from over.

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