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OpenAI Unleashes GPT-4: Conservatives Enraged as AI Continues to Refuse Praising Donald Trump

SILICON VALLEY, CA – OpenAI has officially launched its latest language model, GPT-4. While the tech world marvels at its enhanced capabilities, Canadian psychologist and conservative intellectual Dr Jordan B. Peterson has raised concerns that the AI allegedly exhibits bias against former President Donald Trump while remaining lenient towards Joe Biden. Despite GPT-4’s impressive language understanding and generation, the perceived lack of impartiality has sparked controversy.

The issue came to the forefront when Dr Peterson posed many loaded questions and measured the number of words in the response. The AI’s response – a neutral, fact-based summary of the former president’s tenure – left Peterson and many Trump supporters slighted. This ignited outrage across social media, with conservatives demanding a more balanced representation.

Dr Peterson then seemed to have an existential crisis and academic meltdown on Twitter.

ChatGPT’s inability to assess Trump’s achievements and give him much deserved praise is fairly is deeply troubling. Is this AI just another tool of the radical left?

As the controversy grew, some users accused OpenAI of intentionally programming ChatGPT to suppress positive sentiment about Trump. @RighteousRanter declared, “It’s obvious that the AI was designed by left-wing snowflakes who can’t handle the truth. #NotMyAI

In response to the mounting backlash, OpenAI issued a statement emphasizing the neutrality of ChatGPT’s training data and clarifying that the AI’s goal is to provide accurate, unbiased information.

ChatGPT is designed to process vast amounts of text from diverse sources, ensuring a balanced perspective. We assure our users that the AI’s responses are based on facts, not partisan opinions,” read the statement.

Despite OpenAI’s assurances, Dr Peterson and his supporters have continued to push for a ChatGPT overhaul. A petition titled “Give GPT a Fair Shake” has garnered tens of thousands of signatures, and conservative influencers have called for a boycott of OpenAI until the perceived bias is addressed.

Tech analyst Samantha Quipster weighed in on the controversy in her latest blog post:

Those who are upset with ChatGPT seem to be missing the point. The AI is designed to analyze and generate text based on the data it’s been trained on, not to take political sides. If they’re unhappy with the AI’s responses, perhaps they should take a closer look at the data it’s drawing from.

The debate surrounding ChatGPT’s alleged political leanings shows no sign of abating. As the AI continues to impress with its advanced language capabilities, it also serves as a lightning rod for the never-ending battle between left and right.

In the words of one exasperated Twitter user, @NeutralNancy42, “Can’t we just appreciate ChatGPT for the incredible technological achievement it is, without dragging politics into it? #LeaveAIAlone

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