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Nickelback Shocked to Learn That People Have Hated Their Music for Years

Nickelback was in for a surprise when they learned that people have disliked their music for years. Bandleader Chad Kroeger had this to say: “I’m honestly blown away by this. We always thought that people liked our music, and we could clearly hear the fans cheering at our concerts. It’s a real shock to discover that people have been silently hating us all this time!

Guitarist Ryan Peake added, ” We always thought we were doing something right. I guess we were wrong!

The band was recently made aware of a petition that was started in 2014 to stop them from performing at the Halifax Jazz Festival. The petition had over 45,000 signatures before it was taken down.

Bassist Mike Kroeger commented: “I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. How did we not know that people didn’t like us? I mean, we’ve been playing together for over 20 years. You’d think that we would have noticed something by now!

Drummer Daniel Adair said: “It’s like finding out that your best friend has been secretly hating you for years. We just don’t understand it.

Despite the shock, the band is determined to keep going and perform the best shows. As Chad Kroeger said: “We may have been hated for years, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop. We’re going to keep playing our music, and hopefully, one day, people will actually start to like us!

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