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Kanye’s Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Yeezy Shoes and CDs Now Sold by the Man Himself on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame

Hollywood, CA – In a scene with fans and foes shaking their heads, Kanye West, the once-untouchable music mogul, has been spotted peddling Yeezy shoes and copies of his own CDs on Hollywood Boulevard. A far cry from his previous life of private jets, red carpets, and Kardashian drama, the rapper-turned-entrepreneur has taken to the streets to hawk his wares like a common vendor, proving that even the mightiest can fall from grace.

Passersby couldn’t believe their eyes as they saw the formerly larger-than-life figure hunched over a makeshift stall adorned with hand-painted signs reading, “Yeezys for the People!” and “Get Your Limited Edition Kanye CDs Here!” Armed with a megaphone, West was overheard bellowing, “Step right up, folks! Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of music history! Can’t afford the Yeezy life? No problem! I accept all major credit cards and PayPal!

As word spread of Kanye’s unexpected career pivot, social media exploded with reactions ranging from sympathy to schadenfreude. Twitter user @yeezytaughtme tweeted, “Y’all, I just saw Kanye on Hollywood Blvd sellin’ Yeezys and CDs… I don’t know if I should be sad or just impressed at his hustle. #YeezyBoulevard.

In a move that has further fueled speculation about the rapper’s mental state, West reportedly wears a sandwich board that reads, “The End of My Ego is Near” while chanting, “I am not a god, I am just a man.” The spectacle has drawn crowds of onlookers, some of whom have joined in with their own homemade signs and impromptu chants.

Celebrities, too, have weighed in on Kanye’s astonishing descent. Comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres tweeted a photo posing with West and his shoe-filled stall, captioned, “Just doing my part to support local businesses. #ShopSmall #YeezyBoulevard.” Meanwhile, Taylor Swift posted a cryptic tweet many believe to be a thinly-veiled jab at her longtime frenemy: “You never know where life will take you. Sometimes you have to shake it off and keep moving forward. #Blessed.

Despite the media frenzy surrounding his Hollywood Boulevard venture, Kanye West has remained tight-lipped about his motivations. When asked by a reporter why he has chosen this path, West replied, “This is about humility, man. I’ve got to start from the bottom again. Life is a cycle, you know?

As the public grapples with the surreal sight of a world-famous artist selling his own merchandise on the streets, one thing is certain: Kanye West has once again managed to capture the world’s attention, leaving us all wondering what bizarre twist his life will take next.

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