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Ibanez Pulls the Strings: Djent is Just a Big Conspiracy!

The music world has been rocked by startling new revelations, courtesy of a brave whistleblower: Djent is not a real musical genre, but rather a clever ruse invented by Ibanez Guitars to sell more instruments!

The whistleblower, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that Ibanez executives concocted the idea of Djent as a way to increase guitar sales. The company has been quietly pushing the idea for years, with the goal of creating a new wave of guitarists who are desperate to buy the latest gear to achieve the Djent sound.

The whistleblower also revealed that Ibanez employees have been secretly infiltrating popular guitar forums and message boards, posting messages extolling the virtues of Djent and encouraging others to invest in Ibanez gear.

The news has sent shockwaves through the music industry, with some claiming the revelation calls into question the validity of the entire Djent movement. But Ibanez executives remain defiant and unrepentant, insisting that Djent is a legitimate musical genre and that the company’s actions were merely an attempt to encourage creativity.

The controversy has also sparked a heated debate among music fans, with some arguing that the revelations are an affront to the spirit of the music and others maintaining that Ibanez’s actions were simply a savvy marketing ploy.

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