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Hugh Grant Wins Oscars 2023 Award for Most Unlikeable Cunt, Thanks Fans for Their Support

Los Angeles, CA – The Oscars 2023 were filled with surprises and controversy, but one thing remained the same: Hugh Grant is still an unlikeable cunt.

Grant, who has long been known for his smug demeanor and questionable acting skills, managed to snag an award for his role in yet another forgettable rom-com. The award, however, was not for Best Actor or even Best Supporting Actor. Instead, it was a special award created just for him: Most Unlikeable Cunt.

The award, presented by the Academy’s special committee for insufferable celebrities, was met with mixed reactions. Some applauded the move, saying that Grant deserved to be recognized for his years of douchebaggery. Others, however, criticized the decision, saying that it was mean-spirited and unnecessary.

In his acceptance speech, Grant thanked his fans for their unwavering support. “I know that many of you find me insufferable,” he said, “and I want you to know that I hear you. But at the end of the day, I’m just a man, trying to do my best in this crazy world.

Twitter exploded with reactions to Grant’s win, with some calling it a long overdue honor, while others criticized the Academy for giving him a platform to spew his nonsense. Twitter user @filmcriticcentral tweeted, “Finally, the Oscars are recognizing the true talent in Hollywood: being an unlikeable cunt.

Others, however, were not as amused. Twitter user @justiceforharrypotter tweeted, “I’m sorry, but how is Hugh Grant still getting work? He’s not even a good actor, let alone a decent human being.

As the Oscars 2023 come to a close, the question remains: will Hugh Grant ever change his ways? Or will he continue to be an insufferable cunt for years to come?

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