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Eminem Releases New Album with Lyrics So Offensive, Even He Can’t Stand It

Rap superstar Eminem has done it again. In a shocking announcement today, the hip-hop icon revealed that he has been working on a new album, which is set to be released next month. While his fans are ecstatic, Eminem himself is less than pleased.

The reason? The lyrics are so offensive even he can’t stand them.

The new album, titled “The Rude Awakening,” contains some of the most offensive language ever heard in a rap song. It has graphic, vulgar, and shocking lyrics that even Eminem is cringing at the thought of people hearing them.

I’m not sure if I can really put out this album,” said Eminem. “It’s so outrageous and so wrong that even I can’t stomach it. I’m not sure I want it to be associated with my brand.

The album features some of the most controversial topics ever tackled in a rap song. From racism to sexism and every other kind of discrimination imaginable, Eminem has gone all out with his lyrics on this album.

But despite his reservations, Eminem is determined to go ahead and release the album.

I know people will be shocked and outraged by what I have to say,” admitted Eminem. “But I’m doing it because I want to make a statement. I want to show people that I’m not afraid to speak my mind and say the things that need to be said.”

So, get ready for Eminem’s newest album next month! But be warned: it’s not for the faint of heart.

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