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Deadmau5 Goes from Good Samaritan to Parking Lot DJ in Record Time

Canadian electronic music producer deadmau5 (pronounced “dead mouse”) is known for his high-energy beats and wild performances, but it seems he’s also a man of the people. Eyewitnesses report that the DJ recently helped an elderly woman carry her groceries, then proceeded to drop a sick beat right in the middle of the Walmart parking lot.

According to onlookers, deadmau5 was leaving the store when he spotted the woman struggling with her bags. Without hesitation, he ran over and offered to help her to her car. “It was really sweet,” one bystander commented. “He didn’t have to do that, but he just seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

But the kindness didn’t stop there. Once the woman’s groceries were safely stowed away, deadmau5 apparently felt inspired to lay down a beat on the spot. “He pulled out his laptop and started jamming right there in the parking lot,” another eyewitness reported. “It was like a mini-rave in the middle of Walmart.

The impromptu performance reportedly drew a crowd of curious shoppers who were both surprised and delighted by the unexpected spectacle. “It was crazy,” one fan exclaimed. “I didn’t expect to see a world-famous DJ just hanging out in the Walmart parking lot, but there he was!

As news of deadmau5’s parking lot performance spreads, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the new track that he debuted on the spot. Rumor has it that the song, tentatively titled “Walmart Groceries,” features a catchy beat and some seriously funky basslines.

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