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Corey Taylor Solves All World Problems with One Simple Statement

Slipknot and Stone Sour frontman Corey Taylor has weighed in on the never-ending debate of the world’s problems, and it turns out the solution was simpler than we all thought.

I just don’t give a shit,” Taylor stated nonchalantly in an interview with Vanflip. “It’s that simple. If we all just stopped caring about the small stuff and focused on what truly matters, the world would be a much better place.”

When asked to elaborate on what specifically he meant by “the small stuff,” Taylor responded, “You know, all the petty BS that people fight over. Politics, religion, whether pineapple belongs on pizza… it’s all nonsense.”

Taylor’s statement has since sparked a global movement, with millions of people taking to social media to express their newfound apathy towards the world’s issues. “I used to be so stressed about the state of the world, but now I just don’t give a damn,” one Twitter user exclaimed. “Thanks, Corey Taylor!

Critics of the movement have pointed out that Taylor’s statement may be a bit too simplistic, and that apathy is not the answer to solving the world’s problems. But Taylor remains unfazed.

Look, I’m just a guy in a band,” he said. “I’m not trying to change the world. I just want to play some music, get drunk, and not give a fuck about anything else.”

It seems that Corey Taylor may have just revolutionized the way we look at the world’s problems. Who knew the solution was so simple?

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