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Chris Rock’s Latest Comedy Sketch is a Bust

Audiences worldwide recently experienced a new kind of comedy from the famous stand-up, Chris Rock. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the kind of comedy that Rock intended.

While taping a new show, Rock decided to incorporate one of his usual gags – falling between the cushions of a couch. It seemed like a great idea then, but Rock quickly realized he was stuck in the tight space between the cushions and the couch frame.

After several minutes of struggling, the crew members were forced to call in the professionals to help get Rock out. Firefighters were called to the scene and were able to free Rock from the tight space with a hydraulic lift.

Fortunately, Rock was unharmed, and the incident was chalked up as a “comedy of errors”. Rock took the incident in stride, saying, “It was one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time. I guess I should have thought it through a little more.”

Rock’s fans have quickly praised him for his resilience in the face of the embarrassing incident. While Rock may not have been able to deliver the jokes he had planned, he certainly gave his audience something new and unexpected.

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