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Breaking News: Turns Out Every Day is International Men’s Day! Oh, and Happy International Women’s Day!

Forget November 19th, folks. We have some groundbreaking news to share with you. After conducting some extensive research, we have discovered that every day is actually International Men’s Day. Yes, you heard that right. While the rest of the world has been scrambling to celebrate men’s achievements on a single day in November, it turns out men have been celebrated every day of the year. Who would have thought?

Oh, and by the way, Happy International Women’s Day! We couldn’t forget about that one.

Our research has shown that men are celebrated in a multitude of ways every day. From magazine covers to movie titles, the world is constantly reminding us of the greatness of men. Who could forget classics like “Die Hard,” “The Expendables,” and “The Terminator?” These are just a few examples of the countless movies dedicated to celebrating male heroism and strength.

And let’s not forget the constant stream of magazine covers featuring chiseled male models and actors, reminding us of the ideal male physique. Who needs a single day in November to celebrate men when we can appreciate them all year round?

But that’s not all. Men are also celebrated in the workplace, where they continue to dominate in many industries, such as finance and technology. Their contributions are constantly acknowledged and rewarded, making them feel appreciated and valued every day.

Oh, and did we mention it’s International Women’s Day today? That’s right, a whole day dedicated to celebrating the amazing accomplishments of women around the world. We couldn’t forget about that one. From voting rights to breaking glass ceilings, women have made incredible strides in the fight for equality. And while we’re celebrating men every day of the year, it’s important to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible achievements of women on this special day and the men that made their existence possible.

Happy International Women’s Day! And oh, by the way, happy International Men’s Day too

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