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Bernie Sanders Shocks Fans at Lorna Shore Concert by Showing Up in His Famous Mittens, Proceeds to Crowd Surf on a Fold-Out Chair

Fans at a Lorna Shore concert were in for a surprise when none other than Senator Bernie Sanders made a surprise appearance at the show. Wearing his iconic mittens, Sanders was spotted crowd surfing on a fold-out chair, much to the delight of concertgoers.

I couldn’t believe it when I saw Bernie Sanders crowd surfing,” said concertgoer, Jane Smith. “I thought to myself, ‘this man truly knows how to connect with the youth.’ He was really feeling the music, and I think he even crowd-surfed twice.”

The senator’s appearance at the concert was not just for fun, however. Sanders used the opportunity to speak to the crowd about the importance of investing in the arts and supporting local musicians.

Art is not a luxury, it is a necessity,” Sanders shouted to the crowd. “We need to support local musicians and make sure they have the resources they need to create and perform.”

The crowd was receptive to Sanders’ message and even chanted “Bernie, Bernie” throughout his speech. Sanders then proceeded to join the band on stage and played the washboard with them, to the excitement of the crowd.

I have to say, Bernie Sanders really knows how to rock out,” said concertgoer, John Doe. “He’s got some serious washboard skills, who knew?

Despite his unexpected performance, Sanders’ appearance was a hit with the crowd, and fans are already looking forward to his next concert appearance.

I hope he comes back and plays with Lorna Shore again,” said Smith. “He really brought some much-needed political satire to the concert scene.

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