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Will Smith Slaps World with Lawsuit Over ‘That Slaps’ Copyright Infringement

Will Smith, actor, rapper, and notorious wife defender has announced that he has taken legal action against many individuals and companies for using the term “that slaps” without his permission.

According to sources close to the situation, Smith has claimed ownership of the phrase and is seeking damages in the millions for each instance of its usage. The lawsuit targets everyone, from casual social media users to major corporations, who have used the phrase in advertising campaigns, product names, and even casual conversations.

I’ve been using ‘that slaps’ for years; it’s part of my brand,” said Smith in a statement. “I can’t stand by and watch as people profit off my hard work and creativity. We all saw that tight slap I landed on Chris Rock.

The legal action has caused widespread panic and confusion, with many scrambling to remove any references to “that slaps” from their vocabulary. Meanwhile, Smith’s lawyers are reportedly combing through the internet, listening in on phone calls, and even planting microphones in coffee shops to catch anyone daring enough to utter the forbidden words.

This is outrageous,” said one man who was served with a cease-and-desist order for using the phrase in a text message to a friend. “I had no idea that ‘that slaps’ was even a thing. How can Will Smith own a phrase that’s been around forever?

Despite the backlash, Smith remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice. He has even gone so far as to trademark alternative phrases, such as “that’s the bomb” and “that’s the jam,” just in case anyone tries to get around his legal monopoly on the language.

As the case winds its way through the courts, the world waits with bated breath to see how this will all end. Will Smith emerge victorious, or will the people rise up and reclaim their right to say “that slaps”? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, watch your words, folks. Will Smith is listening.

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