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Travis Barker Lives Up to His Name, Becomes Human Drum Set

Los Angeles, CA – Travis Barker, drummer for Blink-182, has taken his passion for percussion to a new level. After years of pounding out beats on the skins, it appears Barker has taken the plunge and become a living, breathing drum set.

His transformation has been slow, but Barker’s fans have noticed the changes. “He’s always had a certain way of moving his arms and legs,” one fan told us, “but lately, he’s been doing it more rhythmically, almost like he’s playing himself.

The transformation has been gradual over the past few months, with Barker’s body slowly changing to resemble a drum set more closely. His chest and torso have taken on the shape of the bass drum, while his arms have become the snare and cymbals. His legs have become the hi-hat and tom-toms.

The change has been met with both shock and awe by fans. “When I first noticed, I thought he was just wearing some kind of costume,” one fan said. “But then I realized it was really him.

Barker’s transformation has been met with praise from fellow musicians, who have hailed him as a pioneer in human percussion. “He’s taken the art of music to a whole new level,” one musician said. “It’s inspiring to see someone be so passionate about their craft and go to such lengths to express themselves.

Barker has yet to comment on his transformation, but it’s clear that he’s living up to his name. He may no longer be just a drummer, but he’s definitely a living, breathing drum set.

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