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The Weeknd Finally Realizes His Name Is Misspelled, and It’s Way Too Late

After years of fame and success, pop music sensation The Weeknd has finally realized that he has been spelling his name wrong all along.

For years, the Canadian singer has been spelling his stage name as “The Weeknd,” but it turns out that the correct spelling is actually “The Weekend.” He was apparently unaware of this fact until recently, and has been using the incorrect spelling for his entire career.

The singer was apparently in denial about the spelling error for a long time, but following a string of embarrassing incidents, he finally admitted to himself that he had been spelling his name wrong.

One particularly embarrassing incident occurred during a performance at a prestigious awards show, when he was introduced as “The Weekend.” He was so embarrassed by the mistake that he quickly corrected the presenter, who had obviously made a mistake in their pronunciation of the name.

The singer is apparently now trying to make up for all of the lost time, and has already started updating all of his social media accounts and promotional materials to reflect the correct spelling. He is also reportedly considering changing his stage name to “The Weekend,” though he hasn’t yet made a final decision on this matter.

In the meantime, The Weeknd is still enjoying success and his fans are still showing their support. In the end, it looks like he will be able to overcome this embarrassing mistake and continue to produce great music and make an even bigger name for himself.

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