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Study Reveals Thall is the Intellectual’s Choice for Metal Music

A recent study conducted by the Institute for Advanced Musical Research has found that thall, a subgenre of metal music, is the superior version of djent for intelligent people.

According to the study, individuals with high IQs and advanced musical taste overwhelmingly prefer thall to djent, citing its complex rhythmic structures and use of unconventional time signatures as key factors in its intellectual appeal.

Djent is just a bunch of chugging and breakdowns,” said lead researcher Dr Emily Smith. “Thall, on the other hand, requires a certain level of musical sophistication to appreciate fully. It’s like the difference between reading ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ and ‘War and Peace’.

The study also found that listeners of thall scored significantly higher on standardized tests of critical thinking and problem-solving skills than those who preferred djent.

If you want to be taken seriously as a metalhead, thall is the way to go,” said Dr Smith. “It’s like the difference between drinking a Bud Light and a craft beer. Sure, both are technically ‘beer,’ but one is clearly for the thinking person.

The study’s findings have sparked a heated debate within the metal community, with djent enthusiasts arguing that thall is pretentious and elitist.

Thall is just a bunch of math-y nonsense,” said djent fan and proud Bud Light drinker Joe Johnson. “I’ll stick to my breakdowns and chugs, thank you very much.

But for those who want to elevate their metal game truly, thall is the clear choice. As the study shows, it’s not just about headbanging and moshing – it’s about exercising your brain while you bang your head.

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