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Prince Andrew Gets a Job at Subway to Try and Make Ends Meet, Makes Uncomfortable Innuendos to Customers

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, has reportedly taken a job at a Subway sandwich shop in London to try and make ends meet. However, his tenure at the sandwich chain has been marked by uncomfortable interactions with customers, as the disgraced royal has been unable to resist making suggestive comments and innuendos.

According to witnesses, Prince Andrew has been overheard making comments such as “Would you like me to put my meatball sub in your oven?” and “I bet you’d like some extra mayo, wouldn’t you?” to female customers. Some have even reported him winking suggestively or leering at them.

The behavior has left many customers feeling uncomfortable and disgusted, with some vowing never to return to the Subway location where the Duke of York is employed.

I just wanted a sandwich, not a side of sexual harassment,” said one disgruntled customer. “It’s bad enough that Subway’s bread is only 50% actual bread, but to have to deal with Prince Andrew’s creepy comments is just too much.

The management at the Subway location where Prince Andrew is employed has refused to comment on the situation, but insiders say they are considering firing him if the behavior continues. Meanwhile, social media has been abuzz with jokes and memes about the scandal.

Looks like Prince Andrew’s gone from being a royal footman to a Subway footlong man,” quipped one Twitter user.

Despite his financial troubles and tarnished reputation, Prince Andrew still struggles to learn from his mistakes. Perhaps a job at a more respectable establishment, such as a library or a charity organization, would be a better fit for the Duke of York.

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