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Music Industry Forced To Admit That Djent Is Just A Fancy Word For Metal

Industry leaders have been forced to admit that djent is not actually a genre of music, in a shocking turn of events.

The controversial genre of music, which has gained a cult following in recent years, has been revealed to be nothing more than a fancy word for metal. This news has sent fans of the genre into a state of confusion and dismay, as they had been led to believe that djent was a unique and separate genre from other metal subgenres.

One fan, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “I feel like my entire world has been turned upside-down. All these years I thought I was listening to something original, something special. Turns out it was just metal with different effects and production.

Industry analysts have suggested that the confusion was created by record labels, who saw an opportunity to capitalize on the metal genre’s popularity. They used the term “djent” to give a sense of sophistication and “coolness” to metal music, thereby attracting a larger audience.

The revelation has prompted many to question the validity of other genres, such as EDM, hip-hop, and jazz. “It’s like we’re living in a world of lies,” said one disgruntled fan. “What else don’t we know?

It remains to be seen what long-term effects this news will have on the music industry, but one thing is certain: metal will never be the same.

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