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Mr Beast Cures 1,000 People of Blindness, Angers God and Threatens to Unleash Satan’s Wrath

In a shocking move that has the entire world of spirituality and medicine on edge, internet sensation and philanthropist Mr Beast has defied the will of the Almighty and cured 1,000 people of curable blindness.

Sources close to the bearded wonder claim that he was just trying to do a good deed, but the consequences could be catastrophic. Apparently, God had a plan for those 1,000 people to be blind, and Mr Beast’s interference has thrown the entire universe into chaos.

I never thought my love for planting trees and giving away money would lead me down the path of dark magic,” Mr Beast commented in a recent video. “But I guess I just have to accept that I might be the new Antichrist.”

Religious leaders have taken to the streets to protest Mr Beast’s actions, with one prominent pastor stating, “What he’s done is an affront to the will of God. He’s playing with forces beyond our comprehension, and the consequences could be catastrophic.”

Meanwhile, the medical community is equally outraged, with one top doctor stating, “It’s one thing to cure blindness, it’s another thing entirely to mess with the natural order of things. Mr Beast has no right to play God.”

As the world waits with bated breath to see what will happen next, Mr Beast remains unapologetic, stating, “I’m just here to spread positivity and good vibes. If that means going against the will of God, then so be it.”

So, there you have it folks. Mr Beast, the internet’s favorite philanthropist, is now a threat to the very fabric of the universe. Will he be able to fend off the forces of darkness, or will he succumb to the temptation of the Dark Lord? Only time will tell.

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