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Metallica’s James Hetfield Took a Year-long Journey Into the World of Olive Garden

James Hetfield, frontman of the legendary metal band Metallica, has been living a double life for the last 12 months – and it’s all for the music.

In an exclusive interview, Hetfield revealed that he has spent the last year working undercover as a waiter at Olive Garden in order to gain inspiration for their upcoming album.

It was a great experience,” said Hetfield. “I learned a lot about the craft of being a waiter, but also about the craft of making music. For instance, I discovered that the secret to a great salad is a good sprinkle of freshly-grated Parmesan cheese.

When asked why he chose Olive Garden, Hetfield responded, “I’ve been a fan of their breadsticks for years, so it seemed like the perfect place to get some inspiration. Plus, I got to sample the food for free!

Hetfield also shared some of the musical ideas he gained from his time at Olive Garden. “I wrote a song about a waitress who is always so cheerful, even when the customers are rude,” he said. “I also wrote a song about the endless pasta bowls. It’s called ‘Never-Ending Bowl of Life.’

Although Hetfield’s undercover mission is now over, he says he plans to keep visiting Olive Garden. “I’m a big fan of their Chicken Alfredo and their Five Cheese Ziti al Forno, so I’ll definitely be back for more,” he said.

Metallica’s upcoming album is sure to be a hit, thanks to Hetfield’s undercover mission. In Hetfield’s own words, “It’s gonna rock harder than a bowl of unlimited soup and salad

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