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Meshuggah Tired of Djent, Trying Their Hand at a New Genre: ‘Yent-ing’

Swedish metal band Meshuggah has announced that they are officially over djent and are now ready to take on a brand new genre of music. After 20 years of playing the same metalcore sound, the band is looking to shake things up with a new style they are calling ‘yent-ing’.

“We felt like we were stuck in a rut with djent,” said lead singer Jens Kidman. “It was a great sound and it had its place, but we wanted to try something new and really challenge ourselves musically. We think ‘yent-ing’ is the perfect solution.”

Yent-ing is a combination of metal and traditional Jewish klezmer music. It’s a fast-paced, upbeat style that mixes heavy riffs with catchy melodies and plenty of improvisation. “We’ve been having so much fun playing it live,” said Kidman. “It’s really a high-energy style and it’s something we can really sink our teeth into. We’re very excited about it.

The band is currently in the studio recording their first album of yent-ing material, which is set for release later this year. “We’re really looking forward to getting the album out there,” said Kidman. “We think it’s going to surprise a lot of people, but we’re confident that they’re going to love it.”

Meshuggah is also planning a tour to support the new album, but they won’t be playing any traditional venues. Instead, they’ll be playing in synagogues and Jewish community centers. “We want to really get the traditional yent-ing sound out there and we think those are the perfect places to do it,” said Kidman.

So if you’re looking for something different and exciting, keep an eye out for Meshuggah’s upcoming album and tour. Yent-ing is sure to be the next big thing!

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