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Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox Breakup: Pete Davidson Swoops In to Salvage What’s Left of Millennial Relationships

Anonymous sources close to the couple have confirmed that Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox have officially called it quits. After Megan Fox deletes all of her MGK photos and captions photos with cryptic shade throwing messages. She also followed Eminem and other MGK adversaries.

The nation is left in mourning as yet another Hollywood relationship bites the dust, leaving us with nothing but broken dreams and a rapidly diminishing sense of hope for love in the modern world.

But just when all seemed lost, a hero has emerged from the ashes of this fallen romance. That’s right, folks, Pete Davidson has entered the chat. The “Saturday Night Live” star has reportedly thrown his hat into the ring to become the next lucky suitor for the gorgeous Megan Fox.

Pete’s always been a bit of a wild card,” said a close friend of the comedian. “But we all know he’s got a heart of gold and a love for the ladies that just can’t be beat. He’s the perfect candidate to sweep Megan off her feet and show her what real love is all about.”

The nation is now holding its collective breath as we wait to see if Pete will be able to pull off this audacious feat of love and romance. Will he be able to win the heart of Megan Fox and restore our faith in relationships? Or will he join the ranks of the countless men who have fallen victim to the siren song of her beauty and charm?

Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: this is a story that will go down in history as one of the greatest love sagas of our time. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and get ready for the ride of a lifetime as Pete Davidson enters the fray and attempts to save millennial relationships from the brink of destruction.

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