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King 810 Frontman Shocks Crowd by Beating Homeless Man to Death on Stage

Flint, MI – The lead vocalist of the controversial metal band King 810 shocked fans at a recent concert by brutally beating a homeless man to death on stage as the crowd cheered him on.

According to eyewitnesses, the band had just finished playing their hit song “Killem All” when lead singer David Gunn spotted a homeless man in the crowd. Gunn reportedly invited the man on stage, telling the crowd, “I’ve got a special treat for you tonight.

But things quickly turned violent when Gunn began attacking the homeless man with a microphone stand, as the audience watched in horror.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” said concertgoer Mike Johnson. “At first, I thought it was part of the show, but then I realized he was really killing that poor man.

Despite the gruesome scene, many fans were thrilled by the performance.

It was the most intense concert I’ve ever been to,” said fan Sarah Thompson. “I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m definitely buying their next album.

The band later issued a statement on social media: “We apologize for any offense caused by our actions. We believe in artistic expression and pushing boundaries, but we understand that this was a step too far.

The Flint Police Department is investigating the incident as a murder, but it is unclear if any charges will be filed.

In the meantime, King 810 will continue their tour, with a scheduled performance in Detroit next week. Fans are already lining up for tickets, eager to see if the band will once again push the limits of what is acceptable in the name of art.

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