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Is Paul Rudd Trapped in the Quantum Realm? Scientist Weighs In on Ant-Man Star’s Whereabouts

As fans of actor Paul Rudd continue to speculate on his existence outside of the Ant-Man franchise, some scientists are beginning to wonder if he’s trapped in the quantum realm, much like the superhero he plays in the Marvel movies.

Paul Rudd could very well be in a state of quantum entanglement, where he exists simultaneously in multiple states – one as Ant-Man, and another as a Hollywood actor,” said Dr Jane Peterson, a physicist at the University of California, Berkeley. “It’s like Schrodinger’s cat – we won’t know until we observe him outside of the Ant-Man movies.

Peterson added that it’s possible that Rudd’s presence in the quantum realm could explain why fans are having trouble remembering any of his other roles.

Quantum mechanics is a weird and mysterious thing, and it’s possible that Paul Rudd’s quantum state is interfering with our ability to perceive him in other movies,” she said. “It’s like he’s simultaneously there and not there.

As for Rudd himself, he has yet to comment on the speculation about his whereabouts, but fans still hope he’ll break free from the quantum realm and make an appearance in another Hollywood blockbuster.

Maybe he’s just waiting for the right role to come along,” said one fan. “Or maybe he’s happy just being Ant-Man forever. Either way, we’ll always love him.

So, is Paul Rudd trapped in the quantum realm? Only time – and some highly complex physics – will tell. But for now, fans can rest assured that he’s still out there somewhere, either saving the world one ant-sized step at a time or hiding in a parallel universe where he’s a big-time movie star.

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