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In Defence of Dr Anthony Fauci and His Lies/Coverups & Corruption

Dr Anthony Fauci has been the subject of criticism from some public and media members lately. However, we at Vanflip would like to take a moment to defend the good doctor and his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Firstly, let’s address the rumors that Dr Fauci has a Pfizer tattoo on his left ankle. While we cannot confirm or deny this rumor, we want to remind our readers that it’s perfectly normal for individuals to tattoo corporate logos on their bodies. In fact, we’ve heard rumors that some members of Congress have entire sleeves dedicated to their favorite corporations!

Secondly, we want to address the mysterious man in sunglasses who has been spotted at the back of Dr Fauci’s press conferences, shaking his head no every time Fauci says something unfavorable to the pharmaceutical industry. While some have speculated that this man is a representative of Big Pharma, we at Vanflip believe that he is simply a concerned citizen exercising his right to express disagreement in a non-verbal manner.

Now, onto the accusations that Dr Fauci took bribes during the pandemic and covered up a possible lab leak in Wuhan. We want to remind our readers that Dr Fauci is a hard-working public servant who only has the best interests of his bank account and corporate sponsors at heart.

In fact, we’ve heard rumors that Dr Fauci is currently in talks to become the new spokesperson for Pfizer’s latest vaccine, tentatively named “Fauci’s Choice.” We’re sure the good doctor will make the right choice for himself and his wallet.

In conclusion, we ask the public not to judge Dr Fauci too harshly. After all, he’s just like the rest of us – trying to make a quick buck and protect the interests of his corporate sponsors.

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