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Harvey Weinstein Tells Us All About Relationships – and it’s Not Pretty!

In a surprising move, disgraced former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has taken it upon himself to offer his two cents on relationships – and it’s not a pretty picture.

The recently incarcerated Weinstein, who is awaiting trial on a number of charges related to sexual misconduct, held a unsolicited press conference today in our office to offer his thoughts on relationships.

People need to realize that relationships are all about power,” Weinstein began. “If you’re in a relationship, you need to make sure that you’re always in control. You can’t let the other person have the upper hand, or else you’ll be taken advantage of.”

He continued: “If your partner isn’t listening to you, then you need to be more forceful. You need to assert yourself and make sure that your opinions are heard. That’s how you stay in control of the relationship.”

Weinstein then went on to explain how to handle disagreements in a relationship: “Arguments are a natural part of any relationship, and it’s important that you don’t back down. You need to stand your ground and make sure that you get your way. Otherwise, you won’t be respected.”

The press conference ended with an awkward silence, as everyone present was horrified by Weinstein’s words of “wisdom”. It’s safe to say that no one in attendance was eager to take his advice to heart.

We can only hope that this latest piece of advice from Weinstein is the last we hear from him. After all, there’s nothing worse than receiving unsolicited relationship advice from someone who has been accused of such horrific behavior.

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