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Dog-Gone: Old Lady Captures Hearts of Mosh Pit After Small Dog Goes Missing

When 78-year-old Gertrude Johnson decided to take her beloved Chihuahua, “Tiny,” to a Slipknot concert, she never expected to be the centre of attention. But after the little pup went missing in the middle of a mosh pit, the pit all worked together to help Gertrude find her beloved pup.

The little dog had gone missing during a thrash metal band’s performance, but the mosh pit didn’t miss a beat. The crowd immediately stopped to help Gertrude search for her pup, with metalheads throughout the pit offering assistance.

I was so grateful for their help,” Gertrude said, “I mean, here I am an old lady, and these kids were so kind to me. It was really sweet.

Gertrude’s search was quickly successful, as Tiny was found curled up in the corner of the pit, seemingly unharmed. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Gertrude and Tiny were reunited.

The metalheads even insisted on carrying Tiny for Gertrude until the show’s end. After the concert, several of them even offered to take Gertrude and Tiny home.

It was a wonderful experience,” Gertrude said. “I never expected such kindness from a group of metalheads.

Gertrude and Tiny are both doing well, and Gertrude is already planning to take Tiny to more concerts in the near future. In the meantime, she is grateful for the kindness and generosity of the metalheads at the show that night.

It just goes to show you,” Gertrude said, “you can’t judge a book by its cover.

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