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Democrats and Republicans, Shut Up and Pay Your Taxes Like Good Little Worker Bees: Your Money Will Help Fund the War Machine, Because Who Hates the Troops?

It’s time to put aside our political differences and come together as a nation to do what we do best: pay taxes. That’s right, folks! Whether you’re a die-hard Democrat or a passionate Republican, there’s one thing we can all agree on: taxes are a necessary evil.

But why settle for just “necessary”? Taxes are also patriotic! Because without them, how would we fund all the wars that are keeping us safe from the scary boogeymen of the world? How would we help our Ukrainian allies? And, most importantly, how would we show our love and support for the troops?

So, enough with the political banter and let’s focus on the real issues. Like how much money we’re going to have to fork over to Uncle Sam this year. And let’s be real, if you’re not paying your fair share, you’re not a true patriot. So, shut up and pay your taxes, worker bee! Don’t question the war machine or do you hate the troops?

And for those of you still not convinced, let’s take a moment to remember all the sacrifices the troops make for our country. They fight for our freedom, they face danger and death every day, and they don’t even get a decent cup of coffee in the morning. So, the least we can do is fork over a few bucks to keep them supplied with ammunition and bad-tasting MREs.

So, let’s all come together, Democrats and Republicans alike, and do our patriotic duty. Pay your taxes and support the war machine. Because who hates the troops? Not us!

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