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Currents Band Members Wishing They’d Googled Before Naming the Band

When the members of the band Currents first decided on their name, they thought it was the perfect fit for the type of music they were creating. But they didn’t anticipate how difficult it would be to be found on Google.

It’s been three years since the band was formed, and they’ve only played a handful of shows. They attribute this to the fact that nobody outside their hometown can find them on the internet.

At first, we thought it was a great name,” said vocalist Brian Wille. “But now, we can’t even get people to find us on Google. We get lost in the currents of the internet.”

The band members have spent countless hours increasing their online presence, but nothing seems to work. They’ve tried optimizing their website for search results, but nothing has worked. Even paying a search engine optimization consultant tens of thousands of dollars to get to page one on Google and still nothing.

It’s really frustrating,” said guitarist Ryan Castaldi. “We’re trying our best to get our music heard, but nobody can find us. It’s like playing in a band in a black hole.”

The members of Currents are now looking for a new name that won’t get lost in the online abyss. They’ve already begun brainstorming ideas and hope to come up with something that will stick.

We know it’s a long shot,” said bassist Christian Pulgarin. “But maybe this time, we’ll get lucky and find a name that will help us be found on Google.”

Until then, the band members are stuck in the same boat they’ve been in for years. But they remain hopeful that they’ll soon be able to make a splash on the internet.

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