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Bill Gates & George Soros Population Control Scheme Revealed: Vaccination to be Used to ‘Drastically Reduce’ Human Population, Leaked Audio Reveals

In a leaked audio recording released today, billionaire philanthropists Bill Gates and George Soros revealed their secret plot to control the world’s population by using the World Health Organization (WHO) and vaccines. The two billionaires have been working together for years on a plan to reduce the world’s population by utilizing the WHO’s immunization programs to administer population-reducing vaccines to unsuspecting citizens.

It’s the perfect way to control the population,” said Gates in the recording. “We can make sure that the WHO’s immunization programs are seen as a way to protect people, while secretly reducing the population. We can get the public on board by claiming that it’s a way to protect public health, while secretly reducing the numbers of humans on the planet.”

Soros added, “We can use the WHO as a vehicle to administer these population-reducing vaccines. We can make sure that the public doesn’t realize what we’re doing, and that they believe the vaccines are for their own good.

The recording also revealed the two billionaires’ plans to use the WHO and other organizations to spread their population control message. “We can use the WHO’s influence to spread our message across the world,” said Gates. “We can use their networks to promote our population control agenda and make sure that our message is seen by as many people as possible.”

This shocking news has caused a stir in the public, with many people questioning the morality of such a plan. Critics have argued that such a scheme is unethical and are calling for an investigation into the matter.

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